Digital elections for Works Councils and employee representative bodies

How does OR Vote work?

Organizing digital elections through OR Vote is very easy and user friendly. After an intake with one of our consultants you will receive a checklist with a clear timeline. We will help you during the whole process.

  1. Candidates: First of all you can enter the candidate profiles into the system. Candidate profiles consist of a small bio and picture.
  2. Voters: Through an easy to use dashboard you can add all the e-mail adresses of those who are entitled to vote.
  3. Voting ballot: On the date of the elections OR Vote automatically sends an e-mail inviting all voters to cast their vote. Each person who is entitled to vote will receive their own unique voting code. The invitation mail is customizable.
  4. Reminder: Send a reminder to everyone who hasn't cast their vote yet.
  5. Results: After the elections close the results can instantly be found in de OR Vote Dashboard. Our voting consultant will also send you a custom report stating the results and guaranteeing a fair process.
  6. Deleting data: After a short period of time, all data will be deleted. Unless someone has objected to the results.
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OR Vote is an initiative of Performa Uitgeverij.:


Performa Uitgeverij • Torenstraat 144B, 2513 BW Den Haag • 070 310 70 11 •